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Shiny Shiny: Is your gadget use killing your sex life?

Shiny Shiny: Is your gadget use ki

Is your gadget use killing your sex life?


I'm not convinced there's necessarily a correlation between using gadgetry in bed and not having sex. Oh, not that way; I mean if you do have your phone sitting on the nightstand (80% of Britons) and happen to send and receive messages from it (25% of those), that doesn't mean you're not also indulging in a spot of hide the stylus.

MSNBC begs to disagree.

Okay, so the 37% of US laptop owners who frequently snuggle up with it might want to lay off a bit, especially as 68% of Americans say they feel anxious away from technological connectedness, and anxiety is hardly a fast track to intimacy.

It doesn't help that the report seems to mix up potential, unproven health risks of mobile phone use with actual desire or relationship savvy. In addition, it only really has the word of one woman to go on who suggests that multi-tasking, which is now easier thanks to technology, is distracting us from prioritising the physical act of humping in our love lives.

Anything can take your mind off the deed. You should all, as homework, go and watch the wonderful, wonderful 70s film Network, and study carefully the sex scene between Faye Dunaway and William Holden. She doesn't need a mobile, laptop or handheld console to get distracted. Technology doesn't make us lose interest, it's just a good excuse for hiding the real reasons for avoiding getting up close and personal.

So worry not. If you don't feel you can turn the BlackBerry off at night, that's okay. Just don't answer it during, please. Especially if I'm calling you. Ew. Besides, if you really can't tear yourself away, there might be ways of involving your technology in the act...

Alexandra Roumbas is Deputy Editor of Shiny Shiny, although this post originally appeared on DollyMix. She does not switch off her phone at night.

lling your sex life?

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